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car scoops - BROON F8 Series is a premium sports car for your kids
Name : henes() Date : 2017-02-14 Hits : 2372
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It's ironic to think that your kids may end up

driving a better car than you. But the Broon F8 series unveiled by Henes looks like something that even grown ups would enjoy.

Not only does it look pretty nice, but the F8 series also features electric power, independent suspension, real or remote steering and adjustable driving modes. You can set everything up via its own 7" Android tablet which has a dual role. It represents the dashboard and the infotainment system.

The remote is Bluetooth-based which means you can keep junior even safer by doing all the driving yourself. But the benefits of having your 5 year old drive around are huge, as he or she will develop these particular sets of skills at a Liam Neeson rate, so that when they start driving real cars, it will all feel very familiar and natural to them.
Prev Green Car Reports - BROON F8: New electric supercar for your smaller drivers

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